Featured Bird Blogger of the Week
Howdee all,
Week 4 of Featured Bird Blogger of the Week. Hope you have enjoyed the past featured Bird bloggers..Links to all the previous posts here
Today I would like to introduce you to ~Vickie ~from Vickie Henderson Art. When you go to her blog site you can tell right away that Vickie is an artist, from the header to the sidebar are samples of Vickie’s work. Vickie’s posts always include wonderful photos and art. Vickie also has another blog at Vickie’s Sketchbook…you need to go there and look at her drawings..great!
I don’t know how Vickie finds the time to do all that she does. Not only does she maintain a few blog sites she also creates such beautiful things. Most of what Vickie creates is Bird themed. Check out Vickie’s art and jewelry for sale here. I love her Whooping Crane Jewelry. Vickie also has beautiful gourd Art here
Vickie is very much involved in bird conservation and has worked on and voiced her opinion for the Whooping Cranes and Sandhill Cranes. Vickie’s interesting Biography can be found here.
I am sure you will find Vickie’s blog~ one that you will visit regularly!
Vickie Henderson~
As an artist, writer, photographer, nature blogger and a person who loves nature, I enjoy any opportunity to spend time outdoors. In fact, the more I experience nature in all its diversity, the more I love what I see and want to express it through art. Over the past ten years this drive to create has ranged all the way from blogging to designing jewelry.
Author and illustrator of Operation Migration’s Whooping Crane Activity Book, published in 2009, I count this book as one of my most exciting accomplishments.
The book brings the world’s greatest conservation adventure right into the hearts and homes of thousands of children. And it’s available free! Both the story of ultralight-led migration and the survival of our endangered Whooping Cranes is enough to inspire anyone and that’s what I’m hoping for–to help conserve wildlife and wild places by inspiring future conservationists.
Please click on the links to read each post in full.
SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 2010 A June Slice of Florida’s Space Coast
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Ruby-throated Hummingbird Migration–Part II
SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 2010 Delightful Hummingbird Fledglings
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2009 Whooping Crane Activity Book–A Fun Peek Inside!
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2009 Bird Banding and Matters of the Heart
MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010 Delightful Limpkin–Part II
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2010 Florida Scrub-Jays–A Specialist Species
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2010 Wood Stork–Sketching a Curious Face
FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2010 A Day in WV’s High Country–Part II
Visit Vickies Flicker Art Stream here
Dawn, this is beautifully created! I am both humbled and honored by your presentation of my blog and efforts!
Thank you also for including the Sandhill crane hunt issue in TN. If this hunt proposal succeeds, it will be the first time in history that a hunt season has opened on the eastern population of sandhill cranes. TN is only the beginning. Kentucky is facing the same issue and watching TN’s results; MN and WI, who have been pushing for this hunt issue, are watching also.
There is an easy link provided for comments with handy points to make in your email on my Sandhill Family blog post: https://vickiehenderson.blogspot.com/2010/11/sandhill-crane-hunting-in-tennessee_24.html
Thank you everyone for commenting! Wildlife watchers heavily outnumber those who want this hunt. We can make a difference!
I love Vickie’s blog! I’ve been following her for a long time. I always enjoy seeing her journaling…and reading about her dedication to the Sandhill Cranes.
Another winner Dawn! Vickie Henderson is not only a great bird blogger but an excellent artist and a true conservationist. I have been following her for a long time. I want to urge everyone to click on the links at the end of this post and do everything we can to stop this Sandhill Crane hunt. It doesn’t take much effort to write a few letters and sign some petitions. If we don’t stop this now it will be harder to stop in other areas of the country. Please take the time to do it NOW!