Sunrise digiscoping
One of the things I love about digiscoping is playing with it – trying out different things. Sure I take my fair share of side-on profile singing bird portraits, but I also like to see what else is possible.
In September, I spent a weekend in Falsterbo (southwestern Sweden) at the Falsterbo Bird Show, soaking in the spectacle of thousands of migrating raptors (I saw more Sparrowhawks in one day than I had in my entire life up to that point) and songbirds.
Our last morning, we got up before dawn to see if we could pick up the Rosy Starling (Sturnus roseus) that had been seen the previous evening. Sunrise was stunning with wonderful shows of ever-chaning colours and a stream of geese and other birds on the fly-by to make the setting even more dramatic.

A couple minutes later, and the colours had changed to include more pinks and lilacs. In this image I tried to include the chimney of one of the little houses to reflect something of a location. The houses were unique in their cuteness.

Just before the sun came above the horizon, I managed to get this shot of some Canada Geese that came past behind us.

I very rarely photograph Mute Swans, but I could not resist this one in some wonderful dawn light. Width uncropped (just height cropped). Hand held digiscoping with a Swarovski STM 80, TLS800 and Canon 5D mark II

When swans get shy, they do the same as ostriches. I have absolutely no idea what is going on here as the swan on the right appears to be larger (closer?) than the bird on the left, but yet its head is hidden
All images taken hand-held (i.e. without a tripod)
Digiscoped with a Swarovski STM80, TLS800 and Canon 5D mark II.
beautiful light, wonderful colours, lots of birds, what more could one wish for?
Happy digiscoping,
Fantastic images of a beautiful morning, Dale… Nicely done!
Sun in Sweden is always nice.